Sunday, May 5, 2019

End Your Year With Reader's Theater!!

I LOVE Reader's Theater!!!

To wind down the school year, I’ve pulled out some of my favorite end of year themed Reader’s Theaters!

If you are searching for a way to get your students to enjoy reading, become more expressive, read aloud with confidence, become more fluent…then let the magic begin!!

I have found using Reader’s Theater with large and small groups really helps my students strengthen their reading and language arts skills!  My class CHEERS every time I tell them we are going to do Reader’s Theater!!  This technique makes reading come alive for your students and can really develop a classroom full of confident readers!  It is especially important that the stories are fun and engaging!

Reader’s Theater is a great way to reach the individual needs of a variety of students at one time!  Accelerated readers can continue to develop expressive reading, and develop or expand their vocabulary.  Struggling readers are given a legitimate reason to read aloud and to re-read.  Collaborating with peers is one of the most appealing features of Reader's Theater; students did not feel alone as they read, they did not have to read the whole text, and they experience breaks between their reading.  Click on the RED CURTAINS below!!