Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Native American Animal Skin Pictograph Stories!

We created an animal “skin” to write our Native American pictograph stories on, by drawing the shape on a large paper bag that was cut open.  Cut out the large shape and it is ready to go!  We used a Native American Pictograph Symbols Chart to guide the writing of our story!  We also made up our own symbols!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Get That Classroom Ready!!

I have created NEW Job Chart Cards and matching Station/Center Signs for you to use to make your classroom classier than ever!  And they are a life-saver for classroom management!!  Click on your favorites below.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

End Your Year With Reader's Theater!!

I LOVE Reader's Theater!!!

To wind down the school year, I’ve pulled out some of my favorite end of year themed Reader’s Theaters!

If you are searching for a way to get your students to enjoy reading, become more expressive, read aloud with confidence, become more fluent…then let the magic begin!!

I have found using Reader’s Theater with large and small groups really helps my students strengthen their reading and language arts skills!  My class CHEERS every time I tell them we are going to do Reader’s Theater!!  This technique makes reading come alive for your students and can really develop a classroom full of confident readers!  It is especially important that the stories are fun and engaging!

Reader’s Theater is a great way to reach the individual needs of a variety of students at one time!  Accelerated readers can continue to develop expressive reading, and develop or expand their vocabulary.  Struggling readers are given a legitimate reason to read aloud and to re-read.  Collaborating with peers is one of the most appealing features of Reader's Theater; students did not feel alone as they read, they did not have to read the whole text, and they experience breaks between their reading.  Click on the RED CURTAINS below!!


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Coolest Butterfly Field Trip . . . EVER!!

If you ever have the opportunity to tour a local conservatory that houses a butterfly exhibit . . . it is a MUST!  I take this trek yearly and it never fails to astound me!  I created a Bugs, Butterflies & Insects Literacy Unit to enhance this field trip!  Enjoy the pictures below!

Click HERE to see more of this unit!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring Has Sprung! Time for Bugs and Butterflies!

This Bugs, Butterflies and Insects Thematic Literacy Unit is filled with printable activities to help your students grow, grow, grow in their literacy skills and incorporates Common Core Standards!  The unit is geared toward spring of kindergarten, and all year for first and second grade.

Click on Preview to Get This Unit!!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Thematic Literacy Unit - The Little Engine That Could! I Think I Can...

I read The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper to my class.  After reading, I asked my students to tell about a time when they thought they couldn't do something, but really tried and could!  Oh, their stories were glorious!!  After this fascinating conversation, I told them to write about something they THINK they can do if they try.  I also asked them to draw a picture of themselves actually DOING what it is they are writing about.  I gave them a special paper with a train track as a frame and they illustrated their picture inside the track.  This activity is from my four week long Thematic Literacy Unit called Planes, Trains and Automobiles.